Hello Dearest Readers!
Today, I am delighted to introduce to you Jansina! I’ve had the privilege of meeting Jansina in person, and my editor for Annabeth’s War. Jansina is not only an author but an editor & publisher of her very own Rivershore Books! (if you are looking to sail out into the world of publishing and don’t feel like you want to do it alone Janisna is the one to talk to!)
I am super delighted that Jansina is able to offer us two of her books (a series! Series are so exciting.) Though I haven’t had a chance to read them myself, I know that you will love them. (The stack of books beside my bed will someday fall on top of me and bury me in a book grave.) I’ve had a chance to talk with Jansina about her books and the way she talks about her characters there is such a warmth and delight in them, they are perfectly wonderful!
However delightful Jansina….
What do you love about writing?
The limitless possibilities, the way even your own characters can surprise you, and the unique things you notice about people when you’re in a writing mindset.
Who is your favorite book couple ever?
Catherine Morland and Henry Tilney, from Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey. I know there are a lot of other great ones, too, though!
What is your favorite “first meeting” between a story couple?
Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe…hehe.
What couple did you ship, only to be disappointed?
I can’t remember a book like that. If I was ever hoping for a romance that didn’t happen, I was still happy with the way the book ended up. With The Hunger Games, I was worried I’d be disappointed, but I wasn’t.
What couple ended up together, but you wish they hadn’t?
Again, I don’t think there were any!
What confession/proposal or wedding touched your heart?
The one in Freckles(by Gene Stratton-Porter) is just so beautiful and sweet…since I don’t want to spoil it, that’s all I’ll say – but do read the book if you have a chance!
On a different kind of love, what is your favorite bro-mance or sisterhood in a novel?
Winnie-the-Pooh and Christopher Robin. Oh…that’s not a novel. Legolas and Gimli!
What book really illustrates the love of God for us in a way that caught your attention?
The Shack by William P. Young. I borrowed the term Papa from there. I also love Ransomed by Elizabeth Ender and think everyone should read it!
What is your favorite form of love to write into your own books?
The romantic form is what I naturally lean towards, but I also really enjoy the friendship and family forms.
Do you have a favorite couple of those you’ve written? Why?
I do, but I’m not sure I can say without giving spoilers, since the book is in the editing stage now. Let’s just say they’re an unlikely and flawed pair, and I like the way they help each other improve.
Was there ever a couple in your stories that you were not planning on ending up together but finally ended up writing in?
Yes – a couple secondary characters in Shrouded Jewels and As Fairydust Settles will eventually end up together. I’ll probably give them their own books at some point to complete their stories.
Do you find it harder or easier to write romantic love or friendship love in your books?
Romantic love is easier to write as the main focus; friendship is easier as a backdrop. (Of course, friendship can lead into romantic…)
Do you have a favorite friend pair in your books?
Davey and Jonathan from Shrouded Jewels and As Fairydust Settles, because they respect and learn from each other, but aren’t afraid to call out the other when they’re acting dumb.
Favorite love story you’ve written?
It hasn’t fully been written yet…of the ones I’ve written already, I think Forgotten Memorieswins, because it’s not as complex as Mical and Davey’s, and Joe is just thilly.
What is your definition of love?
Oh boy. Talking romantic (not unrequited) love: It’s part attraction, part commitment, mostly unselfish, and can only be perfected through Papa. It takes work and dedication, but it’s absolutely worth it.
About Jansina:

I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t writing. I finished my first short story when I was eight, and my mom had it bound into a book. From that point on, publishing became my dream. I now have three novels and two short stories published – more soon to come!
In 2012, I began my editing and publishing company,
Rivershore Books. I now have three secondary proofreaders, a backup graphic artist, and an illustrator working with me, and the business continues to grow.
My goal is to honor God in my writing and encourage other authors to do the same with their own.
I didn't think anyone else knew about Freckles. That was a fun, cute book.
Winnie the Pooh and Christopher Robin should count, I love those two. *Grin*
Thanks, Jessica! This was a fun interview.
My Mom found Freckles when I was around ten years old, and it's been one of my favorites ever since. Such a sweet story – and I love that his hard work is so integral to his character. 🙂
I agree!
Have either of you read any other Gene Stratton-Porter books? I've read probably too many…but never really found anybody to talk through them with. 🙂
Also, your mention of Ransomed made my evening. XD
The only other one I've read is Girl of the Limberlost…but I have others on my Kindle waiting for some free time (hehe). I'll let you know when I've read them and we shall have awesome chats. 😀
Aw. It's a beautiful book. 🙂